You can use the script exports to get and set a vehicle's fuel level easily. These exports allow developers to integrate LC Fuel into their custom scripts.
Available Exports
All exports are available only on the client side.
This export returns the current fuel level of the specified vehicle.
Example Usage
In this example, when storing a vehicle in a garage, we retrieve its fuel level and send it to the server for persistence.
function StoreVehicleInGarage(vehicle)
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
local fuelLevel = exports["lc_fuel"]:GetFuel(vehicle) -- Get the fuel level
TriggerServerEvent('vehiclesStored', plate, fuelLevel)
This export sets the vehicle's fuel level to a specified value.
Example Usage
When spawning a vehicle, you can use this export to set its initial fuel level.
function SpawnVehicle(modelHash)
local vehicle = CreateVehicle(modelHash, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, true, false)
exports["lc_fuel"]:SetFuel(vehicle, 100) -- Set fuel to 100%
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Ensure the vehicle entity is fully spawned before setting fuel to avoid unexpected behavior.