
You can use the script exports to create contracts in the Quick or Freight jobs from external scripts.

Available Exports

All exports are available only on the server side and require version 4.6.0 or later.


This is the simplest function used to generate a Quick job or Freight job contract.


  • The function will randomly select a delivery location from the configuration, calculate the price per kilometer, and assign a truck and load type if it's a Quick job.
  • The urgency, fragility, and value of the cargo are also determined randomly based on the configuration values.

Example Usage

-- Set the type of contract you want to generate
local contract_type = 0 	-- (number): The type of job. 0 for Quick job, 1 for Freight job.
-- Call the function to create the contract


This function allows for a more detailed contract creation with several customizable parameters, giving more control over the job's specifics.


  • This function offers full customization of the job's properties, from the type of truck and trailer to the urgency and fragility of the cargo.

Example Usage

-- Set the parameters for the contract
local contract_type = 1 		-- (number): The type of job. 0 for Quick job, 1 for Freight job.
local contract_name = "Heavy Machinery Delivery" -- (string): The name of the contract.
local coords_index = 3 			-- (number): The index of the delivery location (must be between 1 and the total number of available locations in Config.delivery_locations).
local price_per_km = 50 		-- (number): Payment per kilometer for the delivery.
local cargo_type = 2 			-- (number): Type of cargo. Must be a number between 0 and 6 (0 = None, 1 = Explosives, 2 = Flammable gases, 3 = Flammable liquids, 4 = Flammable solids, 5 = Toxic substances, 6 = Corrosive substances).
local is_fragile = true 		-- (boolean): Whether the cargo is fragile. true or false.
local is_valuable = false 		-- (boolean): Whether the cargo is valuable. true or false.
local is_urgent = true 			-- (boolean): Whether the job is urgent. true or false.
local truck = "hauler" 			-- (string): The model of the truck to be used.
local trailer = "trailers" 		-- (string): The model of the trailer to be used.
-- Call the function to create the contract
exports['lc_truck_logistics']:generateContractDetailed(contract_type, contract_name, coords_index, price_per_km, cargo_type, is_fragile, is_valuable, is_urgent, truck, trailer)


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This export requires some coding knowledge and has different behaviors. Use with caution

This advanced function generates a contract with additional metadata, allowing you to provide custom callbacks and parking locations for the job.


  • Unlike the others, this delivery will be considered a "special delivery". It will have a different border, never will be automatically deleted, and it won't be possible to start it in a party.
  • This function includes the ability to define a custom parking location, reward amount, and execute a callback upon contract completion.
  • It inserts metadata into the database, which can be used to track custom data.

Example Usage

-- Set the parameters for the contract
local contract_type = 1 		-- (number): The type of job. 0 for Quick job, 1 for Freight job.
local contract_name = "Special Delivery" -- (string): The name of the contract.
local truck = "phantom" 		-- (string): The model of the truck to be used.
local trailer = "trailers" 		-- (string): The model of the trailer to be used.
local vector_parking_location = vector4(-758.14, 5540.96, 33.49, 110.53) -- (vector4): The parking location (x, y, z, h coordinates).
local reward = 10000 			-- (number): The reward amount for successfully completing the job.
local resource_name = GetCurrentResourceName() -- (string): The name of the resource/script to be called when the job is finished.
local metadata = { item = "bread", amount = 2, rarity = "rare" } -- (table): Optional. Additional metadata for the contract (e.g., items transported, extra information).
-- Call the function to create the contract
exports['lc_truck_logistics']:generateContractWithCallback(contract_type, contract_name, truck, trailer, vector_parking_location, reward, resource_name, metadata)

Example Callback

The callback function is called once the player finishes the delivery.

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The callback function must exist in the script that created the contract and must be named
finishTruckerContract(source, metadata, contract_id)

function finishTruckerContract(source, metadata, contract_id)
	-- Do here any code you want to do once the player finishes the delivery
	-- The metadata you set when generating the contract will be available here. For example if you set "metadata = { item = "bread", amount = 2, rarity = "rare" }", then:
	local item = metadata.item -- "bread"
	local amount = metadata.amount -- 2
	local rarity = metadata.rarity -- "rare"
exports('finishTruckerContract', finishTruckerContract)


Export to give XP to a specific user

Example Usage

-- ESX
local user_id = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source).identifier
-- QBCore
local user_id = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source).PlayerData.citizenid
local xp_amount = 100 -- (number): Amount of XP to give to the user
-- Call the export
exports['lc_truck_logistics']:givePlayerXp(user_id, xp_amount)


Export to get a specific user level

Example Usage

-- ESX
local user_id = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source).identifier
-- QBCore
local user_id = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source).PlayerData.citizenid
-- Call the export
local player_level = exports['lc_truck_logistics']:getPlayerLevel(user_id) -- returns a number