Adding your exports
This guide details how to use and configure external scripts using the lc_utils
resource in your server. It provides an approach to integrating various pre-configured and custom scripts, making easier to use different scripts such as fuel systems, inventory management, vehicle keys, and more.
We do not own any of the scripts listed below. Support for these scripts is limited, and integration has been done by our user community.
Pre-configured script exports
Our script comes with many pre-configured exports to simplify your workflow. Below is the configuration to view and toggle the available options for each type of export.
Config.custom_scripts_compatibility = {
['fuel'] = "default", -- [ox_fuel|ps-fuel|sna-fuel|cdn-fuel|LegacyFuel|default|other] Fuel script Compatibility
['inventory'] = "default", -- [ox_inventory|qs-inventory|ps-inventory|default|other] Inventory script Compatibility
['keys'] = "default", -- [qs-vehiclekeys|cd_garage|jaksam|wasabi_carlock|default|other] Keys script Compatibility
['mdt'] = "default", -- [ps-mdt|redutzu-mdt|default|other] MDT script Compatibility (to log weapon serial)
['target'] = "disabled", -- [qb-target|ox_target|disabled|other] Target script Compatibility (disabled will use markers)
['notification'] = "default", -- [okokNotify|qbcore|default|other] Notification script Compatibility
Available exports list
Use the tabs below to learn more about the configuration options available for each script category:
For fuel, we have these options:
- ox_fuel
- ps-fuel
- sna-fuel
- cdn-fuel
- LegacyFuel
Configuring new exports
To integrate a script not pre-configured, you can set its corresponding field to "other" and after that add your custom export in the respective file, as in the next steps:
Config.custom_scripts_compatibility = {
['fuel'] = "other", -- Set to 'other' to use a custom script
Configuration examples
Below are working examples for each type of resource. Use a similar approach for the scripts you want to configure.
The examples below are for clarification purposes only. When using other exports, refer to the documentation of the script you're trying to implement.
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\client\fuel.lua
. Below there is a working example using LegacyFuel
function Utils.CustomScripts.setVehicleFuel(vehicle, plate, model, fuel)
exports['LegacyFuel']:SetFuel(vehicle, fuel)
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\server\inventory.lua
. Below there is a working example using ox_inventory
Pay attention to the return value. All the functions here must return true when success and false when fails.
function Utils.CustomScripts.givePlayerItem(source,item,amount,metadata)
if exports['ox_inventory']:CanCarryItem(source, item, amount) then
-- Must return true if the item has been added
return exports['ox_inventory']:AddItem(source, item, amount, metadata)
-- Return false if fails to add the item
return false
function Utils.CustomScripts.givePlayerWeapon(source,item,amount,metadata)
if exports['ox_inventory']:CanCarryItem(source, item, amount) then
return exports['ox_inventory']:AddItem(source, item, amount, metadata)
return false
function Utils.CustomScripts.getPlayerItem(source,item,amount)
-- The export from ox_inventory already returns true if successfully removes it, and returns false if the user dont have that item.
-- So you dont have to put any extra logic when using ox_inventory.
return exports['ox_inventory']:RemoveItem(source, item, amount)
function Utils.CustomScripts.getPlayerWeapon(source,item,amount)
return exports['ox_inventory']:RemoveItem(source, item, amount)
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\client\keys.lua
. Below there is a working example using qs-vehiclekeys
function Utils.CustomScripts.giveVehicleKeys(vehicle, plate, model)
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GiveKeys(plate, model)
function Utils.CustomScripts.removeVehicleKeys(vehicle)
-- Just helper functions to get the vehicle plate and model in case you need them
local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(vehicle))
local plate = Utils.Vehicles.getPlate(vehicle)
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveKeys(plate, model)
function Utils.CustomScripts.removeVehicleKeysFromPlate(plate,model)
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveKeys(plate, model)
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\server\mdt.lua
. Below there is a working example using ps-mdt
function Utils.CustomScripts.createWeaponInMdt(source,item,amount,metadata)
-- Get all the required variables to fill the weapon data in ps-mdt
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
local serial = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
local imageurl = ("https://cfx-nui-qb-inventory/html/images/%s.png"):format(item)
local notes = "Purchased at Gun Club"
local owner = xPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname .. " " .. xPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
local weapClass = 1
local weapModel = QBCore.Shared.Items[item].label
-- Update the metadata with the serial generated
metadata = metadata or {}
metadata.serie = serial
-- Attempt to insert the weapon in the user inventory
if Utils.Framework.insertWeaponInInventory(source,item,amount,metadata) then
-- Use the ps-mdt export to create the weapon data
exports['ps-mdt']:CreateWeaponInfo(serial, imageurl, notes, owner, weapClass, weapModel)
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', source, 'Weapon Registered', 'success')
return true -- Return true if successfully inserted it in the user inventory
return false -- Return true if failed to insert it in the user inventory
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\client\target.lua
. Below there is a working example using ox_target
function Utils.CustomScripts.createTargetInCoords(location_id,x,y,z,onSelectTargetOptionCallback,labelText,icon,iconColor,zone_id,callbackData)
coords = vector3(x,y,z),
radius = 2.0,
debug = false,
options = {
icon = icon,
iconColor = iconColor,
label = labelText,
distance = 2.5,
onSelect = function()
Navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\client\notification.lua
. Below there is a working example using okokNotify
function Utils.CustomScripts.notify(type,message)
-- The type can be 4 values "success" or "error" or "warning" or "info"
exports['okokNotify']:Alert(Utils.String.capitalizeFirst(type), message, 8000, type, false)
- If you have successfully implemented any code, please share your results on our Discord to assist other customers using the same scripts.
- Claim your customer role in the customer dashboard then you'll unlock the snippets channel where you can post your results.
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