
Configuration Guide

Explaining the config

This guide details the configuration settings for the script, compatible as of version 1.1.5. Note that configurations may vary based on your version.

How do I get the coordinates to use in the scripts configuration?

  • We suggest using the following resource to obtain coordinates, as it comes already formatted for the configuration pattern: Copy Coords GitHub Repository. The script's usage and commands are detailed in its README.

Framework Settings

  • This script supports ESX and QBCore frameworks. Specify your framework in the configuration:
Config.framework = "QBCore"						-- [ESX|QBCore] Your framework

If you're using the ESX framework, additional configurations are required:

  • Updated ESX Versions: For ESX versions 1.9.0 and newer, set is_updated to true. This uses the getSharedObject export, replacing the deprecated event system.
  • Reference: ESX Documentation
  • Inventory System: Specify whether your ESX setup uses weight or limit for inventory management.
Config.ESX_settings = {							-- (ESX Only) ESX settings
	['is_updated'] = true,						-- Set to false if your ESX version is older than 1.9.0
	['shared_object'] = "esx:getSharedObject",	-- GetSharedObject event for who uses an older version than 1.9.0
	['esx_version'] = 'weight'					-- [weight|limit] Configure here if your inventory uses weight or limit

Locale Settings

Configure language translations and currency formats:

  • Language: Set the script language. To create a new translation you must go inside the script files and create the files and translate them (there are 2 lang folders in each script).
  • Currency and Location: Define your currency format and location to set the correct decimal place formatting.
Config.locale = "en"							-- Set the file language [en/br/de/es/fr/zh-cn]
Config.format = {
	['currency'] = 'USD',						-- This is the currency format, so that your currency symbol appears correctly [Examples: BRL, USD, EUR] (Currency codes:
	['location'] = 'en-US'						-- This is the location of your country, to format the decimal places according to your standard [Examples: pt-BR, en-US] (Language codes:

Script Compatibility

  • Here, you can easily switch between the available script compatibilities.
  • The "default" option will use the framework's default script.
  • If you set it to "other", it's necessary to configure the script inside the custom_scripts folder in the respective file
Config.custom_scripts_compatibility = {
	['fuel'] = "default",						-- [ox_fuel|ps-fuel|sna-fuel|cdn-fuel|LegacyFuel|default|other] Fuel script Compatibility
	['inventory'] = "default",					-- [ox_inventory|qs-inventory|ps-inventory|default|other] Inventory script Compatibility
	['keys'] = "default",						-- [qs-vehiclekeys|cd_garage|jaksam|wasabi_carlock|default|other] Keys script Compatibility
	['mdt'] = "default",						-- [ps-mdt|redutzu-mdt|default|other] MDT script Compatibility (to log weapon serial)
	['target'] = "disabled",					-- [qb-target|ox_target|disabled|other] Target script Compatibility (disabled will use markers)
	['notification'] = "default",				-- [okokNotify|qbcore|default|other] Notification script Compatibility

Example for Custom Fuel Script:

  • If you set the ['fuel'] = "other", then navigate to lc_utils\custom_scripts\client\fuel.lua and edit the above function adding your export.
  • Refer to your script documentation to learn about their exports.
function Utils.CustomScripts.setVehicleFuel(vehicle, plate, model, fuel)
	-- If you've set the config to "other", you need to configure your export here to set the vehicle fuel.
	exports['YOUR_FUEL_EXAMPLE']:SetFuel(vehicle, fuel)

For a more detailed guide about configuring your exports, access it here Adding your exports

Vehicle plates

Configure custom plates for job vehicles and player-owned vehicles.

Job Vehicles

  • Settings for job vehicles which are spawned by scripts. These vehicles are typically used for tasks such as delivery missions (e.g., trucks for import goods).
  • For each script, you have the option to assign a custom license plate prefix. Enter the prefix in the ['plate_prefix'] field. If no prefix is required, leave this field empty: ['plate_prefix'] = "".
  • To use a static license plate without generating additional numbers, set ['is_static'] = true. In this case, the plate prefix will serve as the complete license plate for the vehicle.
Config.spawned_vehicles = {						-- Config for the vehicles that are spawned in each script
	['lc_truck_logistics'] = {					-- The script affected by the config (dont change)
		['is_static'] = false,					-- false: The plate will be dynamically generated based on the prefix (ex. "TRUCK123"), filling up to 8 characters after the prefix | true: The plate will be exactly as you set in the plate prefix, with no extra numbers added (ex. "TRUCK")
		['plate_prefix'] = "TR"					-- Customize the prefix for the plate text here (a vehicle plate can hold a max of 8 characters)
	['lc_stores'] = {
		['is_static'] = false,
		['plate_prefix'] = "ST"
	['lc_gas_stations'] = {
		['is_static'] = false,
		['plate_prefix'] = "GS"
	... others

Player-Owned Vehicles

  • This section details the configuration settings for vehicles that players can own, mostly used when buying vehicles in the Dealership script.
  • Configure the license plate format and designate the specific garage where the vehicle will be stored.
Config.owned_vehicles = {							-- (Only for the vehicles that will be inserted into your garage) This is the config to insert a vehicle in the player owned vehicles table
	['plate_format'] = 'xxxxxxxx',					-- Plate generation format. [n = number | l = letter | x = any]
	['default'] = {									-- The garage type
		['garage'] = 'motelgarage',					-- This is the garage where the owned vehicles will be inserted
		['garage_display_name'] = 'Motel Parking'	-- Just a nice name to display to the user
	['airplane'] = {
		['garage'] = 'intairport',
		['garage_display_name'] = 'Airport Hangar'
	['boat'] = {
		['garage'] = 'lsymc',
		['garage_display_name'] = 'LSYMC Boathouse'